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OCC Reports Third Quarter 2018 Bank Trading Revenue

December 12, 2018 / Source: OCC

NR 2018-136

December 12, 2018

Contact: William Grassano
(202) 649-6870

OCC Reports Third Quarter 2018 Bank Trading Revenue

WASHINGTON — The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) reported trading revenue of U.S. commercial banks and federal savings associations of $7.1 billion in the third quarter 2018, which was $0.2 billion, 2.7 percent, more than the previous quarter.

In the report, Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities, the OCC also noted that trading revenue in the third quarter 2018 increased by 1.7 percent compared with the $6.9 billion reported in the third quarter 2017.

The OCC reported:

  • While four large banks held 89.8 percent of the total banking industry notional amount of derivatives, a total of 1,344 insured U.S. commercial banks and savings associations held derivatives at the end of the third quarter 2018.
  • Derivative contracts remained concentrated in interest rate products, which represented 75.7 percent of total derivative notional amounts.
  • The percentage of centrally cleared derivatives transactions increased to 40.7 percent in the third quarter 2018.

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